PREPARE NOW! When the lawsuits are resolved and the student loan repayment pause ends, default rates will EXPLODE!

Champion can help your school avoid disaster. Our default prevention and financial literacy programs have delivered PEACE OF MIND to our clients since 1989!
√ PREVENT Audit Triggers
√ AVOID Provisional Certification and Mandated Default Management Plans
√ CIRCUMVENT Letter of Credit Requirements
√ SECURE Title IV Eligibility
Champion is contacting students NOW to discuss options and help them avoid default when payments resume.
Early intervention is critical!
After over three years, the student loan repayment restart will be chaotic!
Experts are predicting delinquent rates of at least 70-80% with rapidly escalating default rates. Borrowers are confused, angry and frustrated, plus they have found other ways to spend their student loan payments. Call hold times with federal servicers are already more than 2 hours. Servicers are running with minimal staff if they have managed to survive. Many factors show a clear path to disaster unless a school has a quality default management program with a proven history of success. Champion has 33+ years of excellent results to support your school’s future!
During the last bad economy, Champion had a waiting list of schools desperately needing default management. Please, act now to secure your contract so your school will have the security of Champion’s quality proactive service.